"Music Recommendation using Collaborative Filtering with Similarity Fusion"
Masters Project - 8th May, 2007 (pdf)
The project ended May 2007, and so I don't need any more testers. Thanks for everyone who took park in testing for me!
This page was used as part of my final year Masters degree project on music recommendation. It is no longer active or being updated, it's just here for historical purposes.
There were 3 main areas of the project,
- A server-side PHP backend which is responsible for collecting listening data from users and putting the information into the main database. An API was made available so others could interface with this backend in their own applications.
- A client-side Java frontend which can hook into iTunes and send data to the PHP backend to inform it of when you're listening to music and the details of the track being listened to.
- A client-side Java application which presents a GUI to the user to display their recommendation information. This also contained the visualizer, which was a graph display of how the current user is linked to other users and tracks based on similarity, in an attempt to show why a recommendation had been made. The graph display made use of the JUNG graphing framework for Java.
All of the code/tools/APIs for this project have been decomissioned and are no longer available.
Here's some screenshots from the project, click to see bigger versions.